links for 2008-02-08

Neatorama » Blog Archive » The Evolution of Tech Companies’ Logos companies changes, stock prices change, so do logos. (tags: blog business electronics technology branding graphics) Share...

links for 2008-02-05

Flickr’s Version Of A Mass Protest Nice images put up by Flick users to protest the Microsoft/Yahoo! deal. (tags: microsoft photography flickr merger) Share...

links for 2008-02-03

10 Tips to Retain More of What You Read Online | Vandelay Website Design A few good tips for anyone inundated with online information like me. (tags: internet productivity reading lifehacks) Share...

links for 2008-02-01

What Would a Combined Microsoft-Yahoo Look Like? (tags: stockmarket stocks yahoo microsoft) Technical Analysis Morning Trader: swing trading, stock picks, scans and ideas for day trading and swing trading using technical analysis. An excellent where Alan Farley gives...