links for 2008-02-27

My Trading Tools : Trader Eyal Excellent post by Trader Eyal. I love these posts about tools. Bloggers tend to post about that only once but really, updated posts are interesting too because things change so fast. In six months, a lot of your tools could be different....

links for 2008-02-26

VO2 Max – the maximum amount of oxygen in millilitres, one can use in one minute per kilogram of body weight (tags: running triathlon fitness VO2max) Share...

Jeff White Interview

Just quick side note: The March 2008 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES has a very interesting interview with Jeff White from the and Share...

links for 2008-02-21

Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Smart and Lazy Ways to Save Your Workday Very good tips about saving your day and getting a little more done. (tags: lifehacks organization tasks productivity gtd) Share...

links for 2008-02-13

Unplugged: Unplugged Forbes Editor in Tears After Two Days Awesome piece from the Today Show about the addiction to computers, blackberries and cell phones. Forbes magaging editor Dennis Kneale tried to go unplugged for a week. Thanks Lifehacker for bringing this to...

links for 2008-02-12

Black Crow Trader A new blog around. I’ll take a look for a while before passing judgement. (tags: stockmarket trading blogs) » Blog Archive » Could you Trade Full Time? (tags: trading stockmarket stocks blogs) How To: Suck Less at Photoshop...