links for 2007-07-08

Better Know Stochastics — Move the Markets A great article by Richard at Move the Markets about Stochasticks. (tags: trading technical chartist) Howard Lindzon » SmartLinks for Stocks from Adaptive Blue…AWESOME Looks very interesting. Definitely something...

links for 2007-07-06

How to pick an accountant for your online business | fortuitous A nice write-up about picking an accountant for your online business. Could easily apply to your trading business. The author try various accountants and compared with a Tax software. (tags: business...

List of blogger salaries… how did you do?

Paula Neal Mooney just released her list of bloggers salaries. Are you on the list? Needless to say I am not but my day job and the trading are the vehicles to make money right now, not the blog. Although with the look of things these days, I wonder if some out there...

MyMoneyBlog Contest

Referred there by Maoxian who was referred by Ugly, I visited MyMoneyBlog today and found it very interesting. Tons of information for anyone who deals with personal finance (and if you don’t, you either have too much money or you should). I loved the post on... is live!

I could not let this day go by without marking it in some way. is now live and their first show is very entertaining. I find the clip to be just the right length too, enough to have content but not so long that I start doing other things while it plays....