links for 2007-09-13

NxE’s Fifty Most Influential Bloggers at Weekly Articles About Blogging – NxE A nice writup of the 50 most influential bloggers. For each it includes a short bio and it answers why they matter. I was a little dissapointed that names like Howard Lindzon, Ugly and...

links for 2007-09-07 | The Leading Provider of Online Investor Subscription Services A good source of real-time data. I am testing it this week as a source for QuoteTracker. I am just not sure I like their pricing structure. (tags: trading real-time marketdata) 10 Ways Your...

links for 2007-08-21

Pre-Market: Stock Trading Before the Markets Open from CNNMoney (tags: finance investing stockmarket aaapremarket) Morning News Bulletin A good morning read with the first coffee. (tags: finance investing stockmarket aaapremarket) Share...

links for 2007-08-20

Trade Trakker For Managing Your Trades A trading journal apps used by several traders. (tags: tradejournal stockmarket blogs) August 2007 A good post about trade journals. I will post my answer to that soon. This is a topic I like… (tags: tradejournal...

links for 2007-08-17

Jonathan Schwartz’s Weblog: Momentous Day for Solaris (tags: stockmarket sunw solaris) A nice compilation of recent hedge fund excuses. (tags: hedgefund stockmarket) Share...