Unixrealm Posts 05/27/2013

MOOC Student Demographics (Fall 2012) | the augmented trader tags: unixrealm Review of “Computational Investing, Part I” taught by Tucker Balch (Fall 2012) | the augmented trader tags: unixrealm Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here. Share...

Computational Investing, Part I at Coursera

I posted a little while ago about a Coursera class I took which covered financial analysis done with Python. The course was called Computational Investing, Part I. I find the topic interesting so I figured I would highlight what I enjoyed the most in a short series of...

What does one half second of trading look like?

Great piece in Smithsonian.com which covers work done by Eric Hunsader at NANEX. NANEX produced a great video which shows one half second of JNJ order flow. It was slowed down so we can visualize the flow and see fast the top of book changes at each exchanges. Make...

iFrame test post

This is a test post, to see how well I can use iFrames to include contnent in a post. This is the QSTK Tutorial 1 notebook I have: Thanks. Share...