Mind Mapping

For some time now, I have been using mind mapping software to try and orgznize my thoughts. Up to now, I was using FreeMind, a free java based mind mapping software. I just now downloaded the free trial copy of Mindjet and I decided to give it a try. I will post...

Stock picks, yes or no

Some links worth visiting today: Stock picks no from Taz Trader. Stock picks yes from Fallond Stock Picks. Interview with TraderMike on the StockTickr Blog. Share...

Back from vacation

Finaly back from a somewhat long vacation over in Glenn’s from DehTrader neck of the woods. We where visiting Victoria and Vancouver BC in Canada for 10 days. Not that traveling with two small children can really be considered a vacation but I guess it’s a...

Trades for 09/19/2006

Can barely call those trades, more like emergency fire exits: Type Sym Date/Price In Date/Price Out R-Mult Hawk 09/18/2006 @ 10.91 09/19/2006 @ 10.60 -0.74R Share...

Trades for 09/15/2006

A few more trades stopped out: Type Sym Date/Price In Date/Price Out R-Mult MMT 09/14/2006 @ 5.95 09/15/2006 @ 5.92 -1.40R SRP 09/12/2006 @ 14.59 09/15/2006 @ 14.50 0.29R Share...