Wallstrip.com is live!

I could not let this day go by without marking it in some way. Wallstrip.com is now live and their first show is very entertaining. I find the clip to be just the right length too, enough to have content but not so long that I start doing other things while it plays....

Thought organization with MindManager Pro 6

Happy friday! Away from the market a bit and into the tools department. I have been using MindManager Pro 6 from Mindjet for about 3 weeks now and I find it has really increased my productivity. For those of who don’t know, I am big fan of the GTD approach from...

Blog content

Following Teresa’s post on bloggers and the information blogs contain and Michelle’s reply on TraderMike.net, I decided I should make a short comment. First, I am the proud writter of the perfect example of a blog Tereasa would hate and the reader of many...

Yesterday’s Sale

Another sale out of a bad pick. This one was bad from the second I picked it. I am still happy with the result of my money management rules. This is typically the type of scenario where I would lost more money in the past, holding on in the hopes that situation would...