Technical Screens for 11/13/06

I know I have been pretty quiet recently. Work is insane for one and, as my previous posts have shown, my trading has been horrible. I am not changing anything per say but I am reviewing and scrutinizing everything I do a lot more. I am trying some screens, all...

MyMoneyBlog Contest

Referred there by Maoxian who was referred by Ugly, I visited MyMoneyBlog today and found it very interesting. Tons of information for anyone who deals with personal finance (and if you don’t, you either have too much money or you should). I loved the post on...

Exits on 11/02/2006

Well it has been a very very bad month and I am getting badly beaten up by the market. I am taking a breather for the rest of the week (today and tomorrow) to try and start fresh on Monday. I am learning a thing or two about my system though: I have lost over 20R in...

CROX, Crocs Inc

Today Wallstrip looks at CROX, the makers of the ugly rubber/foam shoes. Like others before, CROX is obviously a fad. That does not mean the growth on the price is not real it just means to be really careful and watch for reversal on the trend. This price could be...

AEOS, American Eagle Outfitter

Today’s show on Wallstrip was on AEOS or American Eagle Outfitter. You can visit Wallstrip Conversations for more discussions. I LOVED the comment about AEOS being like Abercrombie (ANF) for poor people. I wanted to post this so much earlier but work got in the...